We are a body of believers that love Jesus and want to see Him glorified not only in the church, but in all aspects of our daily lives.
We are in pursuit, first and foremost, of God's Kingdom and His Righteousness and we know that in this pursuit we must face spiritual battles. We know that these battles have to come against true believers, however; we also know that God will be glorified through such battles.
We are committed and dedicated to seeking the truth through Scripture. We know that the truth and the cross is offensive to people because it convicts, but we will not sit idly by and watch people go to eternal destruction because of cowardice or self preservation. John 8:32 says, "and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." (NASB)
We believe that salvation, true salvation, will result in good fruit being produced. A person that professes Christ, but does not show or produce good fruit, should examine themselves to see if they have truly received salvation. We are not suggesting a works Salvation at all, but that Salvation is attained by grace through faith alone. However; Salvation will produce a change in a person because of being made a new creation, and that person will have a different walk than the world.
Lastly, we want everyone to know that we absolutely love Jesus. Without Him, we are nothing and have nothing. He is the reason we exist and we should live for Him and His glory above all else.
Sovereign Grace Community Church is dedicated to teaching the whole Gospel of Christ and discipling the people of God to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.
The mission of Sovereign Grace Community Church is to glorify God by preaching His Word as inerrant Truth; discipling the people of God into a place of intimately knowing God and His Truth; evangelizing people by telling them the Gospel message that Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures, and is now interceding in heaven for those He chose to be His own. Furthermore, our mission is to exalt Christ and His mercy by yielding ourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and our lives as instruments of righteousness unto God. This power comes not from us, but from the regenerating power of the Holy Ghost.
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